Friday, August 9, 2019

Student Schedules 2019-2020

Mrs. Broadfoot and I have been working to make sure that students are scheduled in the courses that they requested, scheduled in the courses that are required for graduation and their endorsement, and scheduled in any required testing enrichment.  We will not be changing schedules unless:

1) You are missing a graduation requirement.
2) You have already passed the course.
3) You are not scheduled in all 8 classes or have multiple class periods that are the same. (This is different if you are a senior or you are in the work program)
4) You are missing a course required for your endorsement.
5) You want to change your endorsement. (9th/10th only)

You will be able to pick up your schedule on August 15th in the CHS cafeteria between 10am--2pm.  If you need a schedule change based on the criteria above, you can email Mrs. Broadfoot or me.

Mindy Broadfoot (students A-K)
Carrie Atchison (students L-Z)


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